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I am sure you have heard now is the time to sell.  But why? As a Realtor one of my jobs is to help my clients make informed decisions about when the best time is to put their home on the market.  Well I have to say now…now…now… This is as close to the perfect market for sellers as it gets.  In just about every conversation I have with other Realtors these days the shortage of homes for prospective buyers comes up.  We have the buyers ready to buy but no houses for them to purchase.
Take a look at my short video explaining the current market and why now is great time to put your house up For Sale.

Give me a call @ 469-853-9784 or email me @ I would love to help you take advantage of this Crazy Hot Sellers Market!


Why It is time to sell your home if you live the Dallas Area

It is time to sell your home if you live the Dallas Area.  I’m sure you have heard it is a sellers market and homes are selling in days, even hours with multiple offers.  Now you are thinking, “its fall I missed the boat, I better wait till spring.” Others are holding out thinking one more year will bring even more of an increase in property values. I understand that line of thinking but I am not so sure it is correct.  Recently Steve Brown, a Real Estate Editor for the Dallas News wrote a great article summarizing recent reports and market changes.  Below are a few points he made that I pulled straight from his article:

  1. Dallas-area home prices were up a record 8.5 percent in July from a year earlier in the latest Case-Shiller report. * Case-Shiller’s index is different. It tracks over time the prices of specific single-family homes in each metropolitan area. And the index does not include condominiums and townhouses.
  2. While not as large as in many markets, Dallas’ price increases are double historic averages.
  3. Through the first eight months of 2013, pre-owned home sales are 20 percent higher than they were in the same period last year. And the number of houses available for purchase in August was 14 percent below where it was a year earlier.
  4. …doesn’t expect the rate of home price growth in North Texas to remain at current levels.
  5. With mortgage rates moving up, most economists agree that this summer’s huge home price jumps won’t last.

Check out the entire article by Steve Brown here: Dallas-area home prices jump 17 percent from the bottom in 2009

What does this mean for you? If you have been thinking of selling your home now is the time. Call me and I can set up a free consultation to help determine what your home is valued at and what we can do to get it ready to go on the market and SOLD ASAP! Just want a quick, free estimate of your homes value? Try this FREE Home Value Site.

I would love to help you with any and all of your Real Estate needs or question. Give me a call or shoot me and email. Keisha York: 469-853-9784 or email

How’s the Market??

Most days I get asked by at least one person, “so how’s the market?” Well…. if you are a seller it is FANTASTIC! If you are a buyer the time IS NOW…. Houses are moving fast and prices are going up.  I had a client send me this link last night and I thought I would share.  With inventories low, prices and rates creeping up buyers and sellers considering making their move should do so sooner rather than later.  Call me or email me I would LOVE to help! or 469-853-9784


What is a Sellers Market?

Okay so you are hearing it a “Sellers Market” the “Market is Turning”  and “Now is the Time to Sell”… What does that all mean? Or is it just another ploy by Realtors to try to get you to list your house with them. By Definition Sellers Market means: A Market which has more Buyers than Sellers.  High prices result from this excess of demand over supply.
So the question is…Are we in a Sellers Market?
Just this weekend I had a house that my buyers where looking at get 3 offers in 1 day (one of which was a full price cash offer), I am currently working a contract that also has a back up offer and a house we listed over the weekend recieved 7 offers after being on the market for 5 hours.
What do you think?
I think…if you are thinking about selling NOW REALLY IS THE TIME!!! CALL ME:) 469-853-9784 or email

Are you Ready to Sell your Home?

Are you interested in taking advantage of the Growing demand for homes and low inventory?  With the interest rates at record lows buyer are coming out in droves and frankly there just are not a lot of homes to show them.  NOW is a great time to sell your home.

Below are a few pointers if you are listing your home this winter.

  • Lighten up: Turn on all your lights and open your window treatments.
  • Keep it Fresh: Sometimes our homes get stuffy and musty smelling in the winter.  Be sure to air out your home when you can.  Light a fresh smelling candle and take out all of the trash.
  • Show Off:  Show off your home’s assets.  Light a fire, turn on the water features in your pool, play some music,  or show a movie in the media room.
  • Clean up: A clean home is a must. Before each showing make sure you have sparkling clean bathrooms and kitchen, make your beds and put dirty laundry out of site.
  • De-clutter: Less really is more when showing your home.  Clean out closest and put away out of season and unneeded items.  Clear off counters, refrigerators, and remove personal items from nightstands and bathroom counters.
  • Touch up:  Touch up paint, clean off and freshen up paint on dirty walls and re-caulk where needed, especially in showers and bathtubs.
  • Don’t ignore outside: Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you should neglect your yard. Be sure to sweep and rake up leaves, cut back dead plants and bushes and add some seasonal flowers like pansies that hold up during colder temperatures.

I am certain that these tips will give your home a leg up on the others and help it sell faster!

If you or someone you know is interested in taking advantage of this great housing market, give me a call. I would love to help you sale your home.

Give me a call for more tips and advice on how to sell your home fast!

