Category Archives: Allen Homes

TIPS for Selling Your Home During the Holidays

Tips for Selling Your Home During the Holidays 

1. Decorate but don’t go CRAZY
Many homes look their best when all dressed up for the holidays but be sure not to go overboard.  Avoid making your home look too cluttered.

2. Hire a GREAT Agent (ME!)
Be sure you are hiring an agent that is going to be around during the holidays. Your agent needs to be properly and actively marketing your home during this specific season, taking full advantage of the LOW inventory, as well as, be able to field calls from potential buyers and any issues that may arise.  Remember your agent is here to serve your real estate needs not just put a sign in your yard.

3. Price RIght
Price Price Price…. Your home needs to be priced properly and your agent needs to be actively checking the market place and communicating with you how the price may or may not need to be adjusted.

4. First Impressions are Everything
If they wont come in your home it wont sell.  Be sure Lawn is mowed, leaves are raked up, flower bed cleaned out and add some annuals for color.  Once tress die back your home is exposed, double check for needed touch up paint, dirty windows, clean out gutters and any rotted wood.

5. A Picture Speaks a 1000 words
Studies have shown MOST buyers begin their new home search online.  Be sure your agent is using a professional to take photos and video your home.  It is best if the photos are taken before the holiday décor goes up.  Video is also very important because again many house hunters are spending more time on the internet than driving around looking at homes.

6. Give House Hunters a Warm Welcome
Make your home feels cozy and inviting during showings by turning up the heat, opening blinds, turn on Christmas lights, light candles, turn on lamps and playing soft music. Even better, offer homemade holiday treats for your guest.  Encouraging prospective buyers to spend more time in your home allows them to see all your homes great features and hopefully see themselves living there.

Selling your home during the holidays is not for everyone but it has some real advantages.  I would love to discuss the pros and cons with you further.  

Happy Holidays!
Keisha York

WHY WAIT…Selling for home over the Holidays has some real PERKS


Why Wait…. Selling Your Home Over the Holidays Has Some Real Perks
For years agents have been telling their clients to wait till after the first of the year to even think about putting their house on the market.

I did a little research and confirmed that listing during the holidays has some REAL PERKS.

house w lights

1. People out looking at homes this time of year are serious buyers.

2. With the dramatic lower inventory this time of year… less competition for you, which can
mean a better offer.

3. Homes show beautifully when they are decorated for Christmas.

4. Many people have time off which equals more time to look during the holiday season.

5. Some people are trying to purchase by end of yr for tax purposes.



Bottom line is Now can be a great time to sell because the inventory is so low and those taking the time to look are typically serious about buying…. SO take advantage of the pretty décor in your home this time of year and lets get that home sold.

Give me a call and let me help you sell your home this year.
Keisha York
Check out this Brief Video