Are you Ready to Sell your Home?

Are you interested in taking advantage of the Growing demand for homes and low inventory?  With the interest rates at record lows buyer are coming out in droves and frankly there just are not a lot of homes to show them.  NOW is a great time to sell your home.

Below are a few pointers if you are listing your home this winter.

  • Lighten up: Turn on all your lights and open your window treatments.
  • Keep it Fresh: Sometimes our homes get stuffy and musty smelling in the winter.  Be sure to air out your home when you can.  Light a fresh smelling candle and take out all of the trash.
  • Show Off:  Show off your home’s assets.  Light a fire, turn on the water features in your pool, play some music,  or show a movie in the media room.
  • Clean up: A clean home is a must. Before each showing make sure you have sparkling clean bathrooms and kitchen, make your beds and put dirty laundry out of site.
  • De-clutter: Less really is more when showing your home.  Clean out closest and put away out of season and unneeded items.  Clear off counters, refrigerators, and remove personal items from nightstands and bathroom counters.
  • Touch up:  Touch up paint, clean off and freshen up paint on dirty walls and re-caulk where needed, especially in showers and bathtubs.
  • Don’t ignore outside: Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you should neglect your yard. Be sure to sweep and rake up leaves, cut back dead plants and bushes and add some seasonal flowers like pansies that hold up during colder temperatures.

I am certain that these tips will give your home a leg up on the others and help it sell faster!

If you or someone you know is interested in taking advantage of this great housing market, give me a call. I would love to help you sale your home.

Give me a call for more tips and advice on how to sell your home fast!



Posted on January 16, 2013, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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