Monthly Archives: December 2012

Best Place to See Christmas Lights

Our Favorite Nativity (Deerfield)

Our Favorite Nativity (Deerfield)

Every year we load the kids up in the car, wearing their new Christmas jammies,grab some hot chocolate and go look at Christmas lights.  Last year we were disappointed because some of our favorite spots seem to not do as much anymore.  I decided to ask my Facebook friends where their favorite Christmas light spots are.  So if you have not gone yet I thought I would share their recommendations.

Deerfield (at the top or many peoples list)

Highland Park (one of our favs)

Prairie Lights

Texas Motor Speedway

Armstrong Parkway in Dallas

Forney City Hall

Santa’s Village in Richardson (this is a get out and walk around)

Athens Lights Park

This year we went to Highland Park and Deerfield.. Both were beautiful…Merry Christmas!

Fair park lanterns

My mom and I took a group of twelve and thirteen year old girls to the Chinese Lantern Festival this weekend. It was beautiful. The girls loved it and had a blast running around looking at all the displays. At the same time my mom and I thoroughly enjoy the whole thing. It’s a great family outing!
Chinese lantern festival


Cute cute cute Christmas craftiness

I want to make the cute peppermint ornaments! I think my kids will enjoy some of these ideas:)
cute Christmas craft ideas

Is Your Yard Ready for Cold Weather?

I keep getting out my sweaters and wanting a fire in the fire place only to see it is going to be another BEAUTIFUL 70-80 degree day.  I have heard a rumor that a cold front is on its way Sunday night and we may actually getting freezing temps Monday… Only in TEXAS.  I am not sure how cold it is actually going to get but I thought this email from Calloway’s was very helpful.  A little “winterizing” now saves big bucks and time when spring comes.

Calloway’s And Cornelius E-mail.

Christmas lights PLUS so much more!

Every year we take out kids to Frisco to check out the lights and all the other fun activities. It is a great Family friendly event to get you in the Christmas Spirit.

Staging your Home during the Holidays

I know I know…You have put your home on the market to move… You are packing things away, decluttering..So me saying PLEASE get out the Christmas decorations may sound INSANE!!! You don’t have to go crazy but a little Christmas decor goes a long way.  It warms your house up and makes it look inviting.  Remember your goal is for buyers to be able to see themselves living in your home, to find it warm and inviting and want to stay.  When you accomplish that, you SELL your house.